Charlotte Daniel
QHH Practitioner
Practicing the Dolores Cannon Method of Quantum Healing
(photo: Julia Cannon, me and Dolores)

It opened my eyes to the possibility of infinity. We all live our little lives and then I realised it was just my current moment. There are millions of them out there and through having a QHHT session with Charlotte I felt I was able to enhance the power and joy of how I live my current life.
Ruth W - Dorset.
What are the fundamental questions that we are continually asking ourselves? Who are we? Why are we here? What is my purpose? This experience helps answer many of these questions and encourages you to focus your energy in a more positive way. It makes you understand that each experience really is an opportunity. It gives you confidence that your experience has the potential to be positive, loving and beautiful rather than full of stress, fear and anxiety.
Charlotte is a kind, thoughtful, intelligent, caring and patient practitioner.
William H - London
I still can't get my head around about how much change started from one single session. The session has been a direct dialogue with my inner self and the guidance has been key to touch base on the key points. the change starts within ourselves and this is a great way to face the reality. After that it's our choice. L - London
Healing Testimonials and evidence of healings
Lorna has allowed me to share her MRI scans of her herniated discs on my website. Lorna and I were guests on The Metaphysical Hour with Candace Craw-Goldman on 20 February 2015 talking about what happened. You can listen to it.
Below are the before and after scans showing how Lorna's herniated discs corrected themselves after a QHHT session enabling her not to have the surgery that she was told by her consultant was her only option.

Candace has written a blog article about it. You can read it
Practitioners of QHHT around the world are having amazing healing experiences. Rarely will the client talk about their own healing. One person who did is now herself a QHHT practitioner, Laura Casto. She tells her story here
and Dolores talks about it in the video below.
Julia Cannon on the Healing Power of QHHT.