Charlotte Daniel
QHH Practitioner
Practicing the Dolores Cannon Method of Quantum Healing
(photo: Julia Cannon, me and Dolores)

Many of my clients come to me because they are also exploring the possibility of working in the field of past life regression, hypnosis or energy healing. Some already are in that field.
So it is possible that you maybe interested in attending ACCEPT 2018 in Dorset. It is a series of workshops designed to enhance your skills or give you a new set. Several of the workshop leaders are highly experienced QHHT practitioners who have gone on to develop their own different modalities. Here is a little information about it, but please do telephone me on 07779510701 if you would like to talk in person about it.
Sian Chua (28th-30th Sept) - will be teaching her groundbreaking new technique of Zen Alkemi. Described by Dolores as her 'Shining Star,' Sian is one of the most experienced QHHT practitioners in the world and has drawn on all her vast experience in hypnosis and healing work to develop this technique. Zen Alkemi provides a faster route to the deepest level of trance delivering profound healing and life guidance.
Richard Yiap (1st Oct) - will be talking about Tranformational Abundance. Richard has been a guest at many Disclosure events and on Cosmic Awakenings and Jimmy Church radio, and he will share his unique talent for navigating the human experience and learning how to live in joy and abundance.
Matthew French (2nd Oct) - will be teaching a Foundation Certificate in Dowsing - Matthew has over 20 years experience in Dowsing and will show us how it is a powerful and versatile tool that can be used to help find answers.
Lyn and Graham Whiteman (3rd-5th Oct)- will be teaching their bodywork Neutral Space Core Relaxation. Also QHHT practitioners they have developed a way to really connect with the heart when giving and receiving a session.
If you have any questions or would like to hear more about ACCEPT please don't hesitate to email me or give me a call.